Archive for the ‘PFLAG’ Tag

Whitehorse Opens a Chapter of PFLAG

Justin Lemphers has taken the lead in developing and starting a chapter of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Gays and Lesbians).  These groups are essential for families who have questions about their children, or relatives, or parents, who may come out to them.   They are also a godsend for those us who are gay or lesbian–where we can ask questions when we don’t know who to turn to.  They provide a safe space to discuss your questions about gay and lesbian, bisexual and transgendered issues–a safe space to ask your questions, no matter where you are coming from. 

See this new article by Justine Davidson in the Whitehorse Star for a look at the reasoning behind starting a PFLAG.  Listen to this CBC interview with Justin Lemphers. 

Justin’s information and the website for PFLAG:  

Justin (332-2330) and on the web:

Come be part of the healing when the meetings start up in January.  If you’re looking for people who have some experience with going through a family member or friend coming out, PFLAG is designed as that perfect resource.  Or if you don’t live in Whitehorse, use the link to find a chapter in your area.